domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

97ª Entrevista do FLAMES: Cristiane Serruya (escritora brasileira)

Cristiane Serruya

O seu FILME preferido:Titanic
O seu LIVRO preferido: One?! Aw… That’s not fair… 1984, George Orwell.
O seu ANIME preferido: I don’t believe I didn’t had time for those. I grew up too quickly. When Dragon Balls started I was already finishing High School — Hey! I’m not that old, it’s just that I finished High School when I was fourteen years old. :p 
O seu MANGA preferido: I have only read a Manga when I was a very young teenager — that’s has been quite a long ago. I don’t remember the name, but I used to thought them cute. 
O seu EVENTO/Extretenimento/Espectáculo preferido: Rock in Rio. I went to the first one, in 1985, when I was fourteen years old and now I take my daughters.
A sua SÉRIE preferida: I don’t watch TV… I have too many books to read. :) But I’d probably choose The Tudors. 

Q: What projects do you have for the future? 
A: I’m writing my next book. It’s called Love Written in Blood-Red. It’s due to be published this year 2015, probably in Fall. Again, it will be an erotic romance. This time it's about how two broken souls — a doctor soldier who was wounded in Afghanistan war and an abused young woman — will help each other build self-esteem once more in a love and happy-ever-after relationship, even when faced with difficult and evil situations. 

Q: You have Portuguese and Italian descendants. You have lived in Italy. Did you ever visited Portugal? 
A: Of course!! How could I not? I love Portugal. I have been thrice and have travelled from Lisboa until Braga, where my grandfather was from. I love the old monasteries and castles, the beautiful historic mansions, and so many places it would take many pages to describe. I have yet to return to visit Algarve, which I hope will be soon. 

Q: Being from Brasil, why do you prefer to write in English? 
A: Hmm. I don’t like to read translations, because I can feel the translator’s voice grating in my ears. So, I manly read romances in English and French — unless of course, it was written in Portuguese — I love Saramago, Fernando Pessoa and many Brazilian writers. When I am writing about philosophy, I write in Portuguese. When I write about romance, I write in English. It’s just the way my mind works. 

Q: You worked as a lawyer - did it influence your work as a writer? 
A: Yes, a lot. I like to write about situations I have dealt with, especially violation of women’s and children’s human rights. I have read recently many successful books which describe abusive men as heroes and clumsy, naïve and unthinking women “heroines”, with desirable behaviors, I hate these kind of books but seems I am a minority. Before anyone call me a feminist — which I am not in the strict sense of the word — these messages are damaging, and as they are subliminal they are very difficult to detect. Teenage, YA/NA readers — or any other age — should not be exposed to those books. In all my books, my readers will find situations where women or men have had tortured pasts and learnt how to healthily deal with them. 

Thank you for hosting me on your amazing blog, girls. I loved answering your interview and I look forward to being here again. 

Muito obrigada pela sua disponibilidade

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